They say not to put all your eggs in one basket, especially when it comes to investing your hard earned money. Diversifying your interests is the key as you need to spread the risk. At FutureWest Institute, we recommend putting all your eggs in one basket!
Why? Often we get requests from organisational clients to deliver training in-house, but they may only have one or two staff members who can attend. FutureWest Institute requires a minimum of five participants to run nationally accredited courses, and training can be delivered throughout Australia. Have a think about contacting your stakeholders, people you engage with in your contracts, organisations you work with. Have a chat about getting a group of staff members together from your networks so that training can be delivered onsite to you. You will benefit from learning and sharing of experiences from each other, not to mention the power of networking within your business connections. In this case, putting all your eggs in one basket is not risky at all! Please contact FutureWest Institute to discuss your in-house training needs on 0401 679 988 or 0421 110 573.
Many people do not know the difference between a nationally accredited course and one that is non-accredited. Reading the name of a course which sounds similar in content to another doesn’t necessarily mean they are the same. A VET accredited course means that the course:
Only Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can deliver and assess an accredited course, though not all RTOs can deliver and assess any accredited course. RTOs have to apply to their governing body to have relevant training courses and qualifications on their scope. It is illegal to market or even imply that non-accredited training is accredited training. One way to differentiate whether a course is accredited is the use of the Nationally Recognised Training logo (see right). You can always check whether an RTO is legally able to deliver and assess nationally accredited courses through where a full listing of courses and RTOs can be searched. You may wish to consider a nationally accredited course if you require:
AuthorMing Thomson Archives
January 2019
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